About - CT3

In today's dynamic tech landscape, one-size-fits-all hiring doesn't always work. Each organization has its distinct requirements and technologies. That's where we step in.Our CT3 service will provide resources who will be in sync with your specific tech stack and company culture. The service is designed to provide you with professionals who are not just tech savvy, but are also Creative, Disciplined, Persisten and Fit - well rounded personalities eager to contribute to your organization's success.

As organizations increasingly rely on technology, the role of fresh tech talent becomes vital in driving innovation and productivity. CT3 is a a comprehensive strategy for training and deploying junior tech talent, ensuring their seamless integration into your workforce

CT3 innovates on 3 areas - Sourcing, Training, Mentoring


It is not always possible to hire the right talent; but it is possible to hire persons with a great attitude and make them right for the business by holistic training. We believe, right talent is made, and cannot just be hired. Attitude is what we look for. We hire people with a great Attitude and make them RIGHT, for the business.

Our Attitude testing covers both Counter Productive Behavior Testing, where we check for Conscientious, honest and patient persons, AND Motivational Attitude Testing, where we choose persons with strongly positive views of the world around them. And of course, we check for Aptitude and Intelligence too. , This ensures the sourcing is RIGHT!

Motivational Attitude Testing

    Motivational Attitude are factors that describe how we view the world. It helps identify what a person values most.
    This type of attitude testing reveals potential synergy and conflict between a person's values
    and company values There are six attitude groupings and these are - Conceptual

  • Theoretical: Does the employee embrace learning, education, and problem solving?
  • Aesthetic: Does the employee have a passion for harmony, beauty and balance in all areas of life? Economic
  • Utilitarian: Is the employee driven by money or ROI of time and resources?
  • Power & Authority: Is the employee driven by the constant pursuit of achievement, competition, prestige, and winning?
  • Social: Does the employee value putting the needs of others ahead of his own?
  • Doctrine: Does the employee embrace a tradition or belief that guides his personal and business decisions
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Counter Productive Behavior Testing
There are some attitudes that are clearly bad - like lack of timeliness or attendance Or it can be a permissive attitude to stealing and feel justified for some reason (as perceived underpaid) These types of bad attitude are measured by Counter-productive behaviour testing We measure 5 core attiude scales - conscientiousness, honesty, and frustration tolerance, sexual harassment and computer misuse. Persons who do not get a minimum score in this test are dropped.

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Psychometric Assessment
We use these tests to assess Intelligence, Abilities, Potential & Personality It helps assess whether candidates can thrive in a specific professional role. This type of assessment helps understand aspects of mental ability and behavior is difficult to gauge during conversations and interviews. It offers an unbiased evaluation of a broad range of parameters, such as logical reasoning, industry-specific aptitude, role-specific qualities, type of personality, and more.

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Myers–Briggs Type Indicator
The MBTI is a popular personaility assessment tool which helps identify natural preferences in 4 areas of personality - How do you direct and receive energy', 'How do you take in information', 'How do you decide and come to conclusions' & 'How do you approach the outside world' The preferences sort persons into 16 MBTI personality types. Interestingly, some personality types are better suited to certain jobs than others. We use that to identify persons who are better suited for software programming


How do we ensure great talent

Now that we have sourced great Attitude, we work on making this into great Talent. That’s done through our multi-dimensional and holistic training program Further, spiritual training covering Yoga & Meditation, teach our Talent patience and calmness. Healthy mind, great work, right?

Our training merges western concepts with eastern philosophy,


    Rugged and extensive training in the
    chosen technology stack.


    Non-religious look at value
    systems and a calm outlook to
    life through Yoga, meditation
    and mindulness.


    Programs to train one to be mentally strong,
    overcome anxiety and manage stress.


    Physically challenging individual and
    group tasks to overcome fear, inculcate
    courage and confidence at
    an outbound location.


    Programs to build the spirit of
    co-operation, trusting and
    inter-dependence to achieve a
    common goal.

Customer Processes

    When CT3 programs are run for
    a specific customer, we bring into
    the training aspects of important
    customer processes.


How do we ensure great talent

At CT3 - Custom Trained Tech Talent Program, we are dedicated to ensuring that we have not just good, but great talent driving our success. It all begins with our commitment to mentoring, which is at the core of our talent development strategy. We believe in the power of self-development and continual growth.


We empower our team members to take charge of their personal and professional growth. Through self-development initiatives, we encourage them to set and achieve goals, acquire new skills, and continuously evolve.

Culture & Socialization

Our unique culture and socialization programs create a sense of belonging and unity within our organization. We believe that a strong, cohesive team is essential for unleashing the full potential of our talent.

Coaching & Mentoring

Our coaching and mentoring programs provide guidance, support, and a wealth of experience to our team members. Seasoned professionals within our organization mentor and coach our emerging talents, helping them navigate their career paths effectively.

Passion & Pride

We ignite passion and pride in our team members. A deep love for what they do and a strong sense of pride in our organization are essential ingredients for maintaining and attracting great talent.

Identify & Alleviate Burnout

Recognizing that great talent should also be well-rested and balanced, we proactively identify and alleviate burnout. We value the well-being of our team and ensure they have the support they need to thrive.

Ongoing Training & Certification

Continuous learning and improvement are fundamental. Our ongoing training and certification programs keep our team members at the forefront of their respective fields, ensuring they remain great assets to our organization.

At CT3 Program, the journey to greatness is a shared one. We invest in our team members, support their growth, and provide an environment that nurtures their talents. We are committed to ensuring that great talent remains the cornerstone of our success. Join us and be a part of an organization that values your growth and contribution.

Why Partner with us

Proven Success

We have a track record of helping organizations like yours achieve their goals through custom-trained tech talent.


Cut down on recruitment costs and minimize the need for extensive onboarding and training.


Our services are flexible and adaptable to your evolving needs.

Get Started Today
Are you ready to experience the advantages of custom-trained tech talent? Contact us today to discuss your organization's unique requirements and learn how we can tailor a solution to meet your needs. Unlock your organization's full potential with Rosemallow's Custom Trained Tech Talent Services.

Your Success. Our Priority.